Monday, April 25, 2011


Here are just some random pictures of what we've been up to, since I'm so horrible at updating our blog.

Aiden being a goofball

Aiden LOVES whenever he finds the cupboard left unlocked he sneaks in and gets it.
Aiden went to Big R with Daddy and came back with this. He likes climbing on it, but it's going to be a while before his short little legs can reach the pedals.

Happy Easter

On Friday we went to Grandma and Grandpa Tipton's for Easter dinner. It was the only day that we could all get together. It actually worked out better this way. We weren't running all over the place on Easter Sunday. We had a good meal and an Easter Egg Hunt. Aiden also got some of his very own yard tools.

On Sunday we went to church with mom and stayed there for breakfast. Then we went home and the Easter bunny had been to our house and left Aiden some hidden eggs and an Easter basket. While we were waiting to go over to Grandma and Grandpa Watson's we dyed some Easter eggs. Aiden loved this! We went and had yet another Easter egg hunt at Grandma and Grandpa Watson's and a good Easter dinner. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures over there, because Aiden was tired and grouchy.

Dying Easter Eggs with Mommy
And with Daddy
Tipton Easter

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Aiden's First Easter Egg Hunt

Aiden's Great Grandma Tipton invited him over to do his first Easter egg hunt. He did really well with it. I didn't think that he would be old enough to find the eggs, but he had no trouble at all. He caught on pretty quickly.

He was carrying his eggs around all night