Sunday, March 27, 2011


I have been really bad at taking pictures lately. I really need to get some motivation and take some because I know that I will regret it. Sadly the only pictures that I have from March are on my phone.

We haven't really had a lot going on lately either. Friday Natalie Austman came over to play. This past week has been Spring Break for the districts that I sub in so I haven't been busy with that. My Thirty-One business has been going pretty well. I love the products and it gives me something to do when I'm not busy subbing. It will be great in the summer. I've been busy getting my resumes out to schools. ::crossing my fingers that I get a job:: It's scary, there are ~200 applicants for one job opening. YIKES!!

I'm very excited!! I had been looking into getting an eReader and had some bday money burning a hole in my pocket. So, I went to Barnes and Noble and checked out the Nook Color. I ended up getting one. I took it home and played with it for a couple of days, but it just didn't do much for me. About a year ago I decided to make the switch from a PC to a Mac. I am in love with Apple products now. I don't think that I will ever go back. So, this is what I got..........

I'm patiently waiting for it to come in the mail and can't wait. : ) I don't think that I will be disappointed going with Apple.