Today Aiden is 11 months old. There is only one more month and Aiden will be one! It's so weird, because it seems like the year had gone by so fast, but it seems like Aiden has always been with us. He weighs exactly 22 pounds. We are still trying to introduce table food to Aiden, but it is hard since he doesn't have many teeth. He has two on the bottom and I can see another one getting ready to poke through. He has two on the top now too. So, he's starting to get a mouthful. He likes to play with cars, balls, and books. He surprisingly doesn't use a paci or suck his thumb. He has a blankie and puppy that he likes to sleep with. He also likes to have his little musical aquarium on in his crib when he goes to bed. He's been walking for about a month now and is getting pretty good at it. His vocabulary hasn't developed much. He babbles and says Dada. I'm still patiently waiting to hear the words Mama come out of his sweet little mouth. He loves to be tickled and is ticklish everywhere. His precious laugh is my favorite. This month I will have fun planning his first birthday. Here is a picture of Aiden from today at 11 months (and yes he has a birthday boy shirt on, I was trying to get a picture for his invitations.)